Import Contacts

By using the “import contacts” feature, you can add entire lists of contacts to your account via a spreadsheet. Note that you must have a channel connected to your account to import contacts.

  1. Navigate to the “contacts” tab.

  2. Click the "Import Contacts" button.
    import contacts button

  3. Download the template provided (or create your own file).

  4. Prepare your spreadsheet.
    exported contacts Excel spreadsheet
    In a csv or xls/xlsx spreadsheet, include the following columns:

    1. Name: the contact’s first (and last) name

    2. Connection: channel through which you’re communicating with the contact, such as their phone number (in E164 format, e.g. +12234456677), Telegram identifier, email address, or Twitter handle.
      *You can import multiple connection types but only one connection for each type (e.g. one phone number and one email address). To add additional phone numbers or email addresses, you need to create custom contact fields.

    3. Language (optional): the contacts' preferred language, classified using the ISO 639-2/B standardized nomenclature (e.g. spa for Spanish)

    4. Custom Contact Fields (optional): Any additional information about the contact, such as age, physical address, birthday, etc.
      *Custom contact field names are limited to 36 characters, don't support special characters, and cannot start with a number.
      *Dates without a specified time value will be assigned a time value of 00:00 (12 AM)

  5. Upload your spreadsheet using the "Choose File" button.

  6. Confirm any custom fields in your spreadsheet and choose each field's value type: Text, Numeric, or Date & Time. Make sure to check the box(es) corresponding to the fields you wish to import:adding new custom fields

Export Contacts

Contact exports will contain your contacts' UUIDs, Names, Connections, and Custom Contact Fields. 

To export all of the contacts on your account, simply navigate to the “contacts” tab and select the "Export" option from the gear icon drop-down menu.

Export Contacts link

You can also export specific groups by clicking on the group name in the left side panel and selecting the “Export” option from the gear icon drop-down menu.

Up Next: Add, Edit & Prioritize Contact Connections